In Cassandra Clare's The Mortal Instruments series and Freeform's Shadowhunters series, Magnus Bane spent his childhood in the Indonesia in the 1600s living with his Dutch stepfather and his half-Indonesian, half-Dutch mother. A popular food item that Magnus might have enjoyed would have been a potato fritter/croquette dish called Perkedel, which is believed to have been derived from Dutch frikadeller, or Dutch meatballs.
Potatoes, peeled and sliced into one inch chunks
Eggs, beaten
Ground nutmeg
Salt to taste
Corned beef/ground beef (optional)
1. Deep fry the sliced potatoes (boiling will make them mushy; baking is a viable healthy option)
2. Once the potatoes are cooked, mashed them up.
3. Add nutmeg and salt, mix. (Optional: added corned beef/cooked ground beef for extra protein if desired)
4. Form mashed potatoes into patties.
5. Dip patties in egg batter and deep fry.
6. Viola! Enjoy.
Thursday, August 12, 2021
Sunday, July 4, 2021
Mentions of Harry Shum Jr. in Todd Slavkin's book "My Life in the Shadow World: Reflections of a Television Showrunner"
When I was reading Amazon reviews for Todd Slavkin’s book: My Life in the Shadow World: Reflections of a Television Showrunner, I couldn’t help giggling when a reviewer mentioned that if you were buying the book to find out more about Harry Shum Jr., you would be disappointed, because the cast is barely mentioned.
So for fun, I decided to transcribe only the parts of the book where he was mentioned. Personally, although I have read all the Mortal Instruments books and its sequels/prequels, I watched the show only recently during the coronavirus pandemic after rewatching the movie adaptation of City of Bones and being curious to see how the television series differed. While I understand that there seems to have been a huge backlash against Shadowhunters showrunner Todd Slavkin after the show was cancelled (and somewhat even before then, which I don't understand, at all), I would personally recommend reading the entire book, especially as all proceeds would be going to charity. If you have a Kindle Unlimited account, you can actually read it for free. Other than some typos here and there (he only had his assistant edit the book for him), and his repeated usage of certain phrases, I found the book to be a fascinating look at how a show such as Shadowhunters was run from behind the scenes. Anyway, here is the link to the book if you want to check it out:, and here are the mentions of Shum from the book. There are a few other mentions that I have left out because his name is mentioned only in relation to being in a group scene or showing up to an event. Unless indicated, all typos are mine. You can definitely buy the book for more mentions of Magnus.
Slavkin’s first phone call with Shum
Harry Shum Jr. was as nice as could be. I told him that my daughter was a huge Glee fan, and Mike Chang was one of her favorite characters. Her dream would come true when she was able to FaceTime with Harry at one of the many cast dinners we had in Toronto.
First cast meeting with Shum
Next up was Harry Shum, dressed head to toe in his Magnus wardrobe, eyeliner included. I was a huge fan of Harry’s from Glee and was starstruck as soon as he walked through the door. My daughter and I bonded over that show, and the character that Harry played, the perennial underdog Mike Chang, was one of our favorite characters. So of course, I took out my phone and asked for a quick selfie with me to send to my daughter. He warmly obliged. We spoke about Glee, and the huge wave he rode so successfully for so many years. I was also a fan of dance and in awe of Harry’s talent as a dancer. We wanted to use those skills with Magnus, as it was totally conceivable if not probable that Magnus Bane was a killer dancer through the centuries. Speaking of Magnus, we told Harry how much we loved his humorous side, but we yearned to go deeper with him. The fact that he’s lived for so long and experienced so much tragedy felt underexplored in season one, and because we’re both full of adolescent angst that never really went away, we wanted to lean into that much more in season two. The notion of Magnus finding the blade in 202 that his mother used to kill himself (sic) was a new idea that we loved setting up and paying off later. As funny as Magnus was, he was also the character that was the most layered due to his long and storied history. We couldn’t wait to write his journey, and Harry could clearly feel our enthusiasm. We also felt that his relationship with Alec could be explored on a deeper level. Season one was their introduction and it was full of moving movements that were my favorite scenes of that season. But the kiss at Alec’s wedding in season one, as much as I love the moment, felt like it came out of nowhere and suddenly advanced the relationship to a place that we didn’t feel was warranted. We wanted to see the awkwardness of a first date and the strange courtship that would follow from both of their perspectives. It was a relationship we were excited to write [about]. Harry felt our excitement and we felt his. It was going to be an awesome collaboration.
First cast meeting with Matthew Daddario
As we discussed with Harry, we went over our ideas about Alec’s relationship with Magnus. He liked that we were slowing things down between them and excited about their first date, but it was the first time I sensed a certain amount of skepticism. I understood completely. They had all worked hard in season one to create their juggernaut with a huge, worldwide fan base, and it was understandable for one of them to wonder if we were going to screw it up in a big way.
Meeting between Slavkin, Darren Swimmer (the other showrunner), Daddario and Shum
Matt and Harry were understably anxious moving forward in the Malec relationship. They had no idea what was going to transpire and had many questions. They wanted to meet with us the following week when we were back in Toronto, and we gladly agreed...Matt, Harry, Darren and Hastings were at a table patiently waiting for me. I apologized profusely. Matt was unshaven in a baseball cap, unrecognizable as Alec Lightwood. Harry too was low key in a t-shirt and jeans. We ordered wine and dinner and began to talk.
They too felt their first kiss put the two characters way ahead of where the relationship was really at and liked this slower approach. Now they were worried that we were going too fast. The things that were said on the first date and the idea that they would have sex in the next episode - it felt rushed to them. We understood, but we also felt in order to keep the relationship real, grounded and honest, after what these two men had gone through, they would have sex. If we dragged it out longer, it would feel contrived and unrealistic given where they were at in their lives and the way they felt about each other. They also cautioned us to avoid making choices based solely on what we thought the fans wanted most. The Malec fandom was huge and loud and full of creative people who had their own ideas of the relationship. We assured them that we would follow our own creative instincts. Writing this relationship and digging into the conflicts between these two disparate characters was one of the things that excited us most about the job.It was one of our favorite parts of the show, and we would treat it with the respect it deserved. When they brought up the idea of contributing ideas of their own, we welcomed it with open arms. Sure enough when we got back to L.A. they sent us a rewrite of the beginning of the scene in 207 when Magnus and Alec come through the doors of Magnus’ apartment carrying shopping bags after their trip to Tokyo. The fatty tuna run was all Matt and Harry.
At the 2016 New York Comic-con
I heard about Harry’s tour with Glee when they played the O2 arena in London.
Regarding Season 2 episode 8 “Love is a Devil”
Magnus was into cats in the book, and had a pet himself, but because Harry Shum is allergic, the pet cat idea was a nonstarter. But for one episode he was game, and it made sense that Magnus would act as a caretaker for all these neighborhood cats, feeding them milk.
Regarding the Magnus and Alec scene in Season 2 episode 10 “By the Light of Dawn” after the Institute attack, where they reunite
Matt and Harry were at their best and the moment is one of my favorites.
About Season 2 episode 12: “You Are Not Your Own”
Harry Shum and Alan Van Sprang were thrilled by the idea (body switching) and couldn’t wait to get in front of the camera. We suggested they each try to come to the other’s scenes in the beginning of the shoot to watch each other’s mannerisms in order to try and duplicate them in a way that would feel honest and real, and they were more than game...Alan Van Sprang as Magnus pleading with Alec to believe him gives me goosebumps every time I watch it. Harry’s use of his body and hand movements to mimic Valentine is staggeringly accurate, and both of their performances ground the show in a real way.
Regarding the dancing scene between Magnus and Dot in Season 2 Episode 13 “Those of Demon Blood”
We had wanted to take advantage of Harry’s dancing and choreography skills from the day we started, and this dance with Dot was the opportunity. We hopped on the phone with Harry and explained what we were thinking - a big band musical vibe, something uptempo that would showcase his moves. Our music supervisor Linsday found a song we liked, and we sent it over to Harry to work his magic. Days later we received a video recorded in Harry’s Toronto apartment with he and Vanessa Matsui dancing their hearts out. It blew us away. The choreography and vibe were exactly what we envisioned.
About Season 2 Episode 15 “A Problem of Memory”, where Magnus relives memories of his mother’s suicide after being tortured and finally confesses his pain to Alec
Harry and Matt, as they always do, work so well together. Alec’s helpless frustration and Harry’s (sic) pain go together like chocolate and peanut butter.
Second cast meeting with Shum
Harry strolled through the door in his jeans, T-shirt and Counting Crows baseball cap. He was nothing like Magnus Bane, which was a real testament to his tremendous acting ability. He and his wife had just returned from Iceland, and he showed us a few pics from his trip before we delved into Magnus Bane’s season 2b journey. Harry was a true artist, always eager to dig deeper. The idea of exploring Magnus’ dark side was one he immediately embraced. Like most great actors I’ve worked [with], Harry loved being able to play the many sides to his character. We told him that we wanted to use his dancing skills at some point soon but would find just the right place for it so it wouldn’t feel forced. When we mentioned the impending break-up with Alec, he smiled knowingly and wished us good luck.
Slavkin and Swimmer’s dinner with Shum
That evening we had dinner with Harry Shum at one of his favorite sushi places in Toronto, JaBistro. Harry had reached out to us in L.A. a few weeks earlier and invited us to dinner but had to cancel due to a cold. Darren and I braved the chill and walked a half mile onto a dark street, where we stepped down a flight of stairs into this cool, minimalist Japanese restaurant. Harry was there to greet us, and we had a wonderful meal, the conversation warm and carefree. Harry was always eager to use his physical prowess for his character and was thrilled when we told him how cool his battle with Iris Rouse turned out in 208. We told him there would be more of that ahead. When the bill came we offered to pay but Harry insisted it was his treat. I left thinking how blessed I was to be working with such a talented, warm-hearted human being.
Shadowhunters winning the 2017 28th annual GLAAD Media Awards for Outstanding Drama series for its first season
I was thrilled for Michael (Reisz), and Harry and Matt...Harry and Matt were flown out to L.A. from Toronto for the ceremony and gracefully accepted the award among a cheering ballroom.
Reunion scene in Season 2 Episode 20 “Beside Still Water”
The reunion between Alec and Magnus was a lovely moment executed perfectly by Harry and Matt.
Shum and Isaiah Mustafa’s visit to the writer’s offices during the hiatus
In June, Isaiah and Harry stopped by with Isaiah’s mom and countless boxes of donuts.
Third cast meeting with Shum
Harry described his recent cross-country drive from L.A. to Toronto.
At a cast dinner
Harry was sweet enough to FaceTime with my Glee-obsessed daughter for a few minutes, which made her entire year.
Being unable to make a cast dinner
Harry and Javier were shooting their warlock battle that night, so neither of them could make it.
About Magnus losing his powers’ plotline
Magnus without powers was something we had talked about for a while, and we are all excited to finally be able to write it. It would test his relationship with Alec in ways that had never been explored before and provide Harry with an opportunity to play his character in a new and exciting way.
Directorial interests of some of the cast
Harry, Alberto, Kat and Alisha were also interested in directing, and we encouraged them to sit in on any and all production meetings that they wanted to be in.
Another cast dinner
Matt Hastings soon appeared, and then the others swept in one by one, Harry the last to arrive due to a wardrobe fitting.
A memory Shum had from making the show
Harry spoke about the infamous goat baby in 205, where the prosthetic fell off the baby’s feet and everyone was dying of laughter (when we got back to L.A., we found the deleted scene and asked Freeform to release it on Twitter.)
About Season 3 Episode 16 “Stay with Me”
Magnus in the infirmary explaining to Alec how empty he is without his magic is Harry at the top of his game.
About the dancing scene between Magnus and Alec in Season 3 Episode 16 “Stay with Me”
The competitive athlete in Matt Daddario (he’s a great basketball player but hates dancing) knew if he was going to dance opposite Harry, he had to step up his game and make sure he knew his moves.
About Season 3 Episode 19 “Aku Cinta Kamu”
A vulnerable Magnus slipping into his father’s warm embrace was a moving storyline and a wonderful showcase for the electric chemistry between Harry and Jack Yang. Their father son dynamic was deliciously weird yet relatable.
In anticipation that Shadowhunters was going to be renewed for a fourth season
Harry and Isaiah had been invited [to the Freeform Upfronts in New York] and were attending, and we all assumed that the show’s pick-up would be announced then.
About wanting to use Lizzo’s Good As Hell for the wedding dance at Magnus’ and Alec’s wedding
It ended up being too expensive, but I did play it on set between takes so Anna and Harry could finally have their much talked about “dance off.” It was an amazing moment that Mike McMurray ended up filming off the monitors on his phone.
Slavkin telling the cast about how rare it is to work on a show with such a dedicated fanbase like Shadowhunters
Harry, who also worked on Glee, was fortunate to have worked on two shows like that, but I explained how rare that was.
Slavin’s directing of the last two episodes of Shadowhunters
My first day of directing was in Magnus’ apartment with Harry and Matt, when Magnus presents a wedding invitation to Alec and suggests they get married that evening...When Matt and Harry arrived to block the scene...Matt and Harry were incredibly collaborative and open to my ideas..Plates of wedding cakes suddenly appeared, Harry’s eyes lighting up as he examined the various frosty delights...Matt and Harry recognized a martini moment from season one, and I thought was great. Before the last take, I reminded them that this would be the last time they’d be in Magnus’ apartment. This was the last scene. It was an emotional moment for all of us.
Anna Hopkins convincing Slavkin to release the video of her dance-off with Shum
I showed Anna Hopkins the dance off video Mike McMurray took on set between her and Harry. She told me to put it on Twitter, but I was reluctant. Would it spoil the scene from 321. Anna was relentless, and before I knew it I hit send, a fortunate event for the fandom who got to enjoy those forty seconds of Harry and Anna on the Edom dance floor.
About Magnus’ and Alec’s wedding
None of them [the cast] had any dialogue today except for Harry and Matt...In order to manage my time and the cost of all the extras, I shot the audience and their reactions first before turning around and facing the stage, where we would shoot the vows only with Harry, Matt, Dom and Sophia. As they recited the words that Darren had so beautifully written, Harry and Matt were standing before an empty set but you’d never know watching the show. They were both totally locked in. They knew and felt how important this moment was, and both of their performances are living proof. When it was over, I embraced both of them and told them how special they were. Their performance that day was going to touch so many people.
Last day of shooting
On the last day, before the gigantic wedding reception, it was appreciation Friday for the cast, all who were there dressed to the nines for the nuptials; Kat, Dom, Alberto, Emeraude, Matt, Harry, Nicola, Paulino, Jack, Jade, Javier, David, Steve, Sydney, Jacky, Ariana. I told them of all the shows I’ve ever worked on, they were the best group of people I had ever had the pleasure of working with. There was not a bad soul among them, and that was a large part why the fans worldwide loved the show so much. They could sense how special this cast was, as I did that first time I watched on my desktop computer, after I got the call from Jenn Gerstenblatt asking if I had ever seen the show Shadowhunters.
Thursday, September 6, 2018
Moshe: The Man in the Coppermind. Scroll 7: Reader Comments on Scroll 2: Through A Mind, Darkly

Moshe: The Man in the Coppermind: Scroll 2. Through A Mind, Darkly
Editor SH's note: All the comments have been edited for continuity and to correct any spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. Any remaining mistakes are the editor's own.
"It sounds like something my friends in various groups on Insight Timer will appreciate." - anonymous pre-reader
"Well, I do suffer from mental health issues myself, although I do have something more like OCD.
Stories like the ones Moshe are contributing to are an important way to shed light on these sorts of things, and also to make the people suffering feel that they are not alone.
It's always important to be kind and understanding toward people who suffer from different mental issues. I think it is hard to understand what it is like if you don’t have any. So be kind and respectful.
And to those who suffer from these things: keep on fighting. Every time you can do something that normal people can, you beat the disease." -Sharder Toaster Retribution
“Wow, I love this. I’ve been reading a lot about bipolar disorder because my boyfriend has a mild form called cyclothymia, and I wanted to understand it better. It’s so complicated.
We’d get into fights because I couldn’t tell over text what kind of mood he was in. I was done (with dating) after my daughter’s father, but he brought me out of hiding.
We still love each other very much, but he feels like his condition causes him to constantly hurt me, so he thinks he’s protecting me by staying away. It’s almost worse than if he was an asshole, because he’s hurting as much if not more than me.
It’s crazy, the mania and then coming down from it and dealing with the aftermath. He feels guilty like all the time.
He just started speaking to me again, after a two month low where he completely isolated himself from everyone, so I’ve been distracted. He’s on medication but probably needs more help. He’s had a lot of trauma in his life.
It’s awful and not something I told a lot of people, because there’s such a lot of stigma. I am happy that Moshe’s raising awareness. I think it’s great. People really misunderstand and treat it like a character flaw. I love the article and I hope lots of people read it.” - anonymous reader
"I propose the correct treatment here doesn't lie with Western medicine.
As someone who, from time to time, struggles from something akin to mania, I find the holistic and comprehensive healing methodology of the body, mind, spirit and beyond via Eastern wisdom, such as the right diet, meditation techniques and the science of yoga (which includes meditation) to be much more effective and in line with reality, rather than a chemical imbalance as proposed by Western doctors.
Though of course not denying the plausibility of real serious mental illnesses that might benefit greatly from Western medicine.
Is the schizophrenic really ill, or just perceiving reality differently, is yet another question.
Johann Hari's book on depression, Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression – and the Unexpected Solutions, Is one of much enlightenment.
He proposes one's social and environmental deficits as the main reason for depression." - Tera, music composer for film and visual media
"Interesting that he saved the software to remind himself." - anonymous reader
"It’s super well written. I like it and the pictures are perfect." - Navya Malla
“Thank you. My situation has been very similar and I have experienced the shame surrounding this issue, but hopefully people are becoming more aware and accepting.
This book series looks very intriguing. I'm going to pick up a copy of The Way of Kings, although I am a very slow reader (more due to finding time then to actual mental acuity).” - Anonymous
"Society didn't used to care at all about mental health problems.
Now any deviation from the norm makes people say that person needs to be separated from society, is a danger to himself and others etc.
Not sure how article de-stigmatizes. Moshe is a danger to himself and others. He can identify other ticking time bombs. But why would the stigma be less?
Is article suppose to help people recognize these issues in themselves, and may help encourage them to seek help?
Because I thought of the word "destigmatize" as meaning "teach people who are not affected that people who are affected by this are totally OK, normal, fine people."
But that wasn't goal of article. I didn't read anything that made me think the editor was normal or OK; different issue; not more afraid, but not less afraid.
It will make people more aware that there are many people with such mental health issues living amongst us.
What would you think of this paragraph: "Bipolar people like to buy weird stuff. Not all of them are murderers." Some of them have good jobs.
I am not suggesting that be done. The problem is, that is the message I read.
The message that buying weird stuff is a sign of craziness, that people who are currently holding down good jobs may be unstable, and you never know which, rather than destigmatizing, only widens the net." - Anonymous
Monday, September 3, 2018
Brandon Sanderson's Lightweaver Foundation

Founded 2015
Brandon Sanderson
Emily Sanderson
Jane S. Horne
Type of organization: 501(c)(3) Charity Organization
Jane S. Horne:
“Brandon started The Lightweaver Foundation for personal reasons and his vision for the foundation does not involve a lot of promotion.Out of respect for him we have not advertised or done any fundraising.”
“At some point Brandon will ask for fans to partner with him to donate for a certain cause but he wants to make sure the money is actually funneled to the charity or project intended by the donation."
Kara Stewart, shipping manager at Dragonsteel Entertainment Inc.:
"Actually, we work hand in hand with Lightweaver and support them in all their projects, many of which are not public knowledge."
Charity efforts by the Lightweaver Foundation:
In-kind donations made to the Ronald McDonald House Charities in the Intermountain Area
Sponsored the Provo Girls Summit, an event where girls could meet women from a variety of professions, where they could ask questions, make connections, and see successful models of women in many different lines of work.

Library at Salt Lake Community Shelter for single women. Photo credit: The Road Home
Renovated a former children’s playroom at the Salt Lake Community Resource Center into a women's library for single women who are currently experiencing homelessness in the area.
Donated between $50,000 to $249,999 to the Utah Valley University Foundation since 2016.
Moshe: The Man in the Coppermind. Scroll 6. What Is In A Moshe Feder?

MF refers to Moshe Feder, Brandon Sanderson's editor. SH refers to Sharon Hooper, interviewer. Besides minor edits to remove redundancies, transcript is pretty much unchanged.
The Surname Feder
According to, Feder is: German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): metonymic occupational name for a trader in feathers (see Feather) or in quill pens, from Middle High German veder(e), German Feder ‘feather’, ‘quill’, ‘pen’.
MF: I’ve seen that ancestry page. My interpretation is that we were scribes, but the feather/quill theory is also plausible.
Of course, if we WERE scribes a likelier name would be "Schreiber."
According to, Schreiber is:
German: occupational name for a clerk, from an agent derivative of Middle High German schriben ‘to write’ (via Old High German from Latin scribere). Jewish (Ashkenazic): from German Schreiber, Yiddish shrayber ‘writer’, adopted as a translation of Hebrew Soffer ‘scribe’.

Moses in a basket being put into the river by his mother Jochebed in the left panel and is seen been picked up by a Egyptian princess in the right panel. Photo credit: Kevsoraone
MF: Well, it’s the Native form of ‘Moses.’ Traditionally, it’s supposed to be based on the ancient Egyptian for “drawn forth from,” referring to his being pulled from his basket on the Nile by the princess.
SH: My best friend says your name sounds like Japanese mochi.

MF: I think there's also another Japanese word with a similar sound. There's a restaurant in London with that name.

Partial screenshot of homepage of Moshi Moshi, London, UK.
SH: San Francisco has one too. It is a common restaurant name.
MF: Well, I was amused when I first saw it there.

SH: It’s Japanese. It can loosely be translated to mean “Hello? Hello?”
It is used on the phone to say hello and also used to get someone’s attention.
So what you do is when u get a call, you pick up the phone and go “Moshi Moshi”, and when you call someone, you start the conversation by saying “Moshi Moshi?”.
Say you are in a store and you want to know the price of something. But you don’t see the proprietor of the store around, so you go “Moshi Moshi?” to get their attention.
Similarly , if you go to a friend's house and they are not there, you pop your head in and go “Moshi Moshi are you there?”
On being Moash's namesake
MF: Brandon originally claimed the name was a coincidence, and anyway, I think he pronounces it in two syllables, Mo-ash.
I mean looking at it, you might think it was an alternative spelling of Mōsh, as my friends call me.
Anyway, more recently, he's admitted that he is inspired by or connected to me in some way.
SH: To a traitor?
MF: Yes, not thrilled by that.
I identify more with Kaladin.

Kaladin. Photo credit: Michael Whelan

Moash. Photo credit: exmachina
Personally, I don't think I have much in common with Moash, besides his strong sense of justice, unless you think I'm “hawk faced.” My eyes are greenish, his are brown, etc.
SH: Are we talking about the same Moash here? The same Moash who betrayed Kaladin? A strong sense of justice? Maybe, but if so, it is a very misguided one.
MF: Well, Moash is simultaneously a traitor to Bridge Four in its mission of guarding Elhokar and loyal to his grandparents whose unjust deaths he's avenging.
I think the point is that what he does is externally motivated and reactive rather than arising from purely selfish and internal motives. He's not trying to win something for himself.
Compare him to Amaram.

Amaram. Photo credit: esamitch
SH: Amaram is a right-out BASTARD.
MF: As an editor, I try hard to avoid asking authors to change character names.
They usually have strong feelings bound up in them and a strong identity connection between the name and the character's personality.
SH: *pulls up information from WOB*
Wow. I'd be pretty offended if the author I got published, after something like ten huge books, named one minor vengeful, traitorous character after me. Or else I would find it really amusing.
Brandon Sanderson:
Moash was actually named before Moshe became my editor, as Alethi has some Hebrew roots, making some of the names similar to Hebrew names. He considers it a fun homage that I left it, after he became my editor. (Even considering what Moash does in WoR.) But Moash came from Moshe, for example.
MuslinBagger: Is that a hint of things to come? Is Moash like Moses or something? He is, isn't he?
Brandon Sanderson:
Sorry. It doesn't mean anything other than "My editor is named Moshe, and I've always liked how the name sounds."
MF: The Moses idea is silly.
SH's note: So for all those fans speculating that Moash will be pulling a "Moses" by the end of the series, both WoB and Moash's namesake & Brandon's editor himself have poured very icy cold water over the very idea, with Moshe himself calling it "silly" and WoB indicating that Moash's name doesn't mean anything other than "My editor is named Moshe, and I've always liked how the name sounds." One never knows though; authors can and have been known to change their minds. (See J.K. Rowling re: Hagrid) Moshe could very well decide he hates being associated with a such a Judas-like character and successfully browbeat his writer into giving Moash a Moses-like redemptive arc sometime before the series end, or Brandon may very well have already planned a redemption arc for Moash somewhere down the line, although it would most likely not involve Moash doing something so Moses-like like parting say the Drying Sea or leading his people (The Parshendi?) to find a new homeland away from all those pesky human Knight Radiants and their silly Ideals.
SH would like to give a special shoutout to ChangOfHeart69 for asking if Moash is Moshe's namesake, without which the above entire section "On being Moash's namesake" would not have existed at all.
Moshe: The Man in the Coppermind. Scroll 5: The Crazy Fan's Guide to Moshe and Brandon
SH's note: This scroll continues immediately from where Scroll 4 left off. Other than a parallel conversation about how the Shattering is inspired by the Kabbalah (which may be explored in a future scroll), and also a quote that has been redacted by request, transcript below remains mostly unchanged except for minor edits made for reasons for continuity.
SH: How else did you think I was able to surprise Brandon with the curated set of gifts I got him?
I didn't just pull up his love of fancy salt, or Korean foodstuffs (that his favorite citrus fruit is mandarin orange), or that he is a geek who would absolutely adore/love a keychain made of a card game character of him, with a dragon charm (to represent his spirit animal) just out of thin air.
Custom-made by SH's Etsy friend
Research had to be done. You I will admit right now was a late last minute research I had to scramble to assemble at the last minute because, initially I didn't want to pay to go to two days of con.
Until I decided to heck with it. Paying $80 and god knows how much in Lyft/Uber cab fare to get to sit in on a 2-hour Nora Jemisin workshop and learn from her, to get a book and maybe a game card signed by Martin, to get this legendary Moshe editor dude to sign my Brandon books, to listen to Sharon Shinn in a panel about urban fantasy, listen to Peter S. Beagle talk about killing characters, and a chance to attend my first and maybe even last Hugo Awards.
It was just too good to pass up and so I reluctantly coughed up another $80 and then spent the rest of the time "stalking" if you will, the people I want to meet and what I want to get out of Sunday.
I didn't have much time for Nora and basically just happened upon a profile photo of a cat on her Twitter page (thought it was her current King Ozzy but I learned later when I gave the keychain to her, turned up to be her late departed beloved Nuku Nuku, who lived under he was 20)
During her workshop, Nora mentioned that she made a comment on epic fantasy that the Reddit decided to take the wrong way. I was determined to make her feel better, and at her signing afterwards, I pulled up these two screenshots to show her.
And you thank God, made it too easy, and that was great, because I was being really pressed for time. Your Facebook profile reads: "He loves cats and chocolate." You conveniently put a photo of the Collingwood Magpies, your two cats Nemo and Destry on your very public Facebook profile page. You have this on your personal website:
“He also talks to cats, whistles, advocates the Oxford comma, and requires chocolate.
Moshe lives in Flushing, NY with his cats Destry and Nemo."
I didn't know if you would ever be willing to sign Brandon's books, but I knew I had to damn well try to convince you anyway. I sent you a tentative tweet, not even daring to hope for a response, then set about to try and bribe/guilt-trip/show my appreciation for you having discovered Brandon in the first place, to sign my books.
MF: Nicely done.
And well paragraphs!
SH: I didn’t have time to find out specifically what kind of chocolate you like (brand, white/dark/milk?/plain/with fruit/flavored?) so I just ordered a nice box of Ghirardelli chocolate (a very iconic San Francisco chocolate brand (which I personally like) from Target which I picked up the next day, went through all the brand new cat stuff I have been given by a friend over the years (which I never used because what non-cat-owned people never realize is that if you have already been enslaved by two cats/one cat already, you don’t need to be reminded of your cat-enslavement with more cat-themed items)
SH's note: Dear friend, If you are reading this right now, I do really appreciate the gifts but please see above for why I didn't use them and gave them away to someone else who will.
So yes, brand new cat post-it notes, grumpy cat, and teacup cat got added into "the bribe Moshe to sign Brandon books" pile. The chocolate Toblerones I had gotten from Costco went into the pile as well.
Had no color printer and the black and white photos that came out of my printer made Nemo and Dresty look like they had passed away or something. Went down to the building receptionist and basically begged/browbeat him into letting me print two sheets of colored paper, the results of which you now have, well part of it anyway.
MF: You sure made a serious effort. All that stuff was neat to get, but just asking nicely would have sufficed. I really appreciate Brandon's fans.
SH: You are unequivocally wrong. I am not just a Brandon fan. I am and had always been your fan too. Ever since I read Way of Kings anyways.
The citron jar and Korean BBQ pork jerky thrown in at last minute because I didn't give Brandon enough of the stuff to share with friends like you; I didn't even realized I was trying to give you pork; had tunnel vision by then.
MF: I like Pork. Also ham and bacon.
SH: then of course when u said you would be honored to
MF: Not religious for decades.
SH: I was like damn of course I am going to give you all these stuff but wait! I don't have any hardcover books anymore! I sent it all back to Amazon in a rage when they falsely accused me of saying I got damaged books.
MF: I do hope you have a life besides texting me, though!
SH: I do! I do ok! sheesh
MF: Boyfriend?
SH: I take long walks on the beach (not really, too cold in SF) and dance attendance on my cat master Luke whenever he requires it.
MF: Girlfriend?
SH: None. too crazy to attract anyone alas and not good looking enough.
Crazy and good looking = you have a chance
MF: If I could finally manage it, you will.
SH: Crazy and not good looking = no chance in hell
MF: Don't be too sure. Someone might like the challenge of brightening that face.
SH: I am heterosexual
Brad Pitt
Orlando Bloom
Benedict Cumberbatch
Yeah, when I read your Tweet, 5 hours after you replied, saying you would be honored to do so I was like I really need hardcover books for him and Brandon to sign now; paperback just won't do; ran around SF before all the bookstores closed trying to find hardcover copies; only came up with Oathbringer.
I genuinely was plain just-all-out geeking out more about getting your signature than I was to get Brandon's, because you are the editor who discovered him, you have a great career as a fantasy/sci-fi editor at Tor books and someone I secretly aspired to be one day. I also felt a kinship more to you than to Brandon because we both (I think) for whatever strange reason, enjoy editing stuff. Please don’t ever tell Brandon I wanted your autographs more than I wanted his, please?
I mean sure, I love to write stories too. I even have two short stories published via KDP on They are there because my (now late) uncle would only read my short stories if he could read it on his Kindle. These two short stories I wrote when I took a creative writing class (which counted as one class towards journalism associate degree), one of which is a retelling of Sleeping Beauty having to deal with an economic recession in her kingdom/queendom caused by spinning wheel ban, and the other is a retelling of The Princess and the Pea by way of Gattaca.
But yeah much as I love creative writing, I know my strengths (I would love to be a better creative writer) but deep down I know I am a stronger editor, hence me coveting your autographs more than I did Brandon's, if that makes any sense to you.
SH's note: SH does not advocate the behavior that SH engaged in with regards to meeting authors/editors at Worldcon; as MF has stated:"just asking nicely would have sufficed."
SH: How else did you think I was able to surprise Brandon with the curated set of gifts I got him?
I didn't just pull up his love of fancy salt, or Korean foodstuffs (that his favorite citrus fruit is mandarin orange), or that he is a geek who would absolutely adore/love a keychain made of a card game character of him, with a dragon charm (to represent his spirit animal) just out of thin air.

Custom-made by SH's Etsy friend
Research had to be done. You I will admit right now was a late last minute research I had to scramble to assemble at the last minute because, initially I didn't want to pay to go to two days of con.
Until I decided to heck with it. Paying $80 and god knows how much in Lyft/Uber cab fare to get to sit in on a 2-hour Nora Jemisin workshop and learn from her, to get a book and maybe a game card signed by Martin, to get this legendary Moshe editor dude to sign my Brandon books, to listen to Sharon Shinn in a panel about urban fantasy, listen to Peter S. Beagle talk about killing characters, and a chance to attend my first and maybe even last Hugo Awards.
It was just too good to pass up and so I reluctantly coughed up another $80 and then spent the rest of the time "stalking" if you will, the people I want to meet and what I want to get out of Sunday.
I didn't have much time for Nora and basically just happened upon a profile photo of a cat on her Twitter page (thought it was her current King Ozzy but I learned later when I gave the keychain to her, turned up to be her late departed beloved Nuku Nuku, who lived under he was 20)
During her workshop, Nora mentioned that she made a comment on epic fantasy that the Reddit decided to take the wrong way. I was determined to make her feel better, and at her signing afterwards, I pulled up these two screenshots to show her.

And you thank God, made it too easy, and that was great, because I was being really pressed for time. Your Facebook profile reads: "He loves cats and chocolate." You conveniently put a photo of the Collingwood Magpies, your two cats Nemo and Destry on your very public Facebook profile page. You have this on your personal website:
“He also talks to cats, whistles, advocates the Oxford comma, and requires chocolate.
Moshe lives in Flushing, NY with his cats Destry and Nemo."
I didn't know if you would ever be willing to sign Brandon's books, but I knew I had to damn well try to convince you anyway. I sent you a tentative tweet, not even daring to hope for a response, then set about to try and bribe/guilt-trip/show my appreciation for you having discovered Brandon in the first place, to sign my books.
MF: Nicely done.
And well paragraphs!
SH: I didn’t have time to find out specifically what kind of chocolate you like (brand, white/dark/milk?/plain/with fruit/flavored?) so I just ordered a nice box of Ghirardelli chocolate (a very iconic San Francisco chocolate brand (which I personally like) from Target which I picked up the next day, went through all the brand new cat stuff I have been given by a friend over the years (which I never used because what non-cat-owned people never realize is that if you have already been enslaved by two cats/one cat already, you don’t need to be reminded of your cat-enslavement with more cat-themed items)
SH's note: Dear friend, If you are reading this right now, I do really appreciate the gifts but please see above for why I didn't use them and gave them away to someone else who will.
So yes, brand new cat post-it notes, grumpy cat, and teacup cat got added into "the bribe Moshe to sign Brandon books" pile. The chocolate Toblerones I had gotten from Costco went into the pile as well.
Had no color printer and the black and white photos that came out of my printer made Nemo and Dresty look like they had passed away or something. Went down to the building receptionist and basically begged/browbeat him into letting me print two sheets of colored paper, the results of which you now have, well part of it anyway.
MF: You sure made a serious effort. All that stuff was neat to get, but just asking nicely would have sufficed. I really appreciate Brandon's fans.
SH: You are unequivocally wrong. I am not just a Brandon fan. I am and had always been your fan too. Ever since I read Way of Kings anyways.
The citron jar and Korean BBQ pork jerky thrown in at last minute because I didn't give Brandon enough of the stuff to share with friends like you; I didn't even realized I was trying to give you pork; had tunnel vision by then.
MF: I like Pork. Also ham and bacon.
SH: then of course when u said you would be honored to

MF: Not religious for decades.
SH: I was like damn of course I am going to give you all these stuff but wait! I don't have any hardcover books anymore! I sent it all back to Amazon in a rage when they falsely accused me of saying I got damaged books.
MF: I do hope you have a life besides texting me, though!
SH: I do! I do ok! sheesh
MF: Boyfriend?
SH: I take long walks on the beach (not really, too cold in SF) and dance attendance on my cat master Luke whenever he requires it.
MF: Girlfriend?
SH: None. too crazy to attract anyone alas and not good looking enough.
Crazy and good looking = you have a chance
MF: If I could finally manage it, you will.
SH: Crazy and not good looking = no chance in hell
MF: Don't be too sure. Someone might like the challenge of brightening that face.
SH: I am heterosexual
Brad Pitt
Orlando Bloom
Benedict Cumberbatch
Yeah, when I read your Tweet, 5 hours after you replied, saying you would be honored to do so I was like I really need hardcover books for him and Brandon to sign now; paperback just won't do; ran around SF before all the bookstores closed trying to find hardcover copies; only came up with Oathbringer.
I genuinely was plain just-all-out geeking out more about getting your signature than I was to get Brandon's, because you are the editor who discovered him, you have a great career as a fantasy/sci-fi editor at Tor books and someone I secretly aspired to be one day. I also felt a kinship more to you than to Brandon because we both (I think) for whatever strange reason, enjoy editing stuff. Please don’t ever tell Brandon I wanted your autographs more than I wanted his, please?
I mean sure, I love to write stories too. I even have two short stories published via KDP on They are there because my (now late) uncle would only read my short stories if he could read it on his Kindle. These two short stories I wrote when I took a creative writing class (which counted as one class towards journalism associate degree), one of which is a retelling of Sleeping Beauty having to deal with an economic recession in her kingdom/queendom caused by spinning wheel ban, and the other is a retelling of The Princess and the Pea by way of Gattaca.
But yeah much as I love creative writing, I know my strengths (I would love to be a better creative writer) but deep down I know I am a stronger editor, hence me coveting your autographs more than I did Brandon's, if that makes any sense to you.
SH's note: SH does not advocate the behavior that SH engaged in with regards to meeting authors/editors at Worldcon; as MF has stated:"just asking nicely would have sufficed."
Moshe: The Man in the Coppermind. Scroll 4. Two Men & A Manuscript: Nice Guys Do Finish First

Cover of Elantris. Photo credit: Stephan Martinière
Transcript of a conversation between Moshe Feder and Sharon Hooper on how Feder first "discovered" Brandon Sanderson and bought Sanderson's first published novel Elantris (as well as other topics)
Please note that slight edits have been made to the transcript below for continuity purposes, but otherwise it has mostly been left unchanged. MF refers to Moshe Feder, New York Times-bestselling author Brandon Sanderson's Tor editor. The second book in The Stormlight Archive series, Words of Radiance, debuted at No. 1 on The New York Times Hardcover Fiction Bestseller list in 2014, a first for both Feder and Sanderson. SH refers to the interviewer Sharon Hooper.
SH: Hey, Moshe.
MF: Yes?
SH: There's something I have been wondering for quite a while now. Brandon Sanderson fans (and as uncomfortable as this is making me feel, seeing as just how intense his fandom can be, I will count myself amongst them, with regards to this anyway) have heard, several times by now, how you choosing to acquire Elantris, has changed the entire trajectory of his writing career and helped catapulted him to achieve the meteoric (hope you don't find that adjective superlative like you did when I called you legendary) success he has enjoyed today. The story has remained rather consistent as he first recounted it, with little or no embellishments despite it all happening nearly two decades ago between 2003 and 2005.
I haven't seen or heard the story from your POV. All we have gotten is his POV. I was wondering, what is your POV in all this? Elantris famously sat on your desk on 18 months before you decided to read it and then when you wanted to contact him to offer to acquire it, his contact information had already changed, and you did have to invest quite a bit of effort tracking him down to acquire Elantris. I am just wondering, I don't know, what made you decide to acquire Elantris (per-Moshe edit)? What did you see in it? Was it the untapped potential? The undeniable hope that permeates every book he has written and published since Elantris? What was it about Elantris (pre-edit) that made you decide, "I want to acquire this book."
I mean sure, we can find you almost always mentioned somewhere in every major write-up of Brandon, but I don't think (I may be wrong), but I really don't think anyone has ever just sat down with you and I don't know, interviewed you or asked you, in any sort of depth, what was it really that you saw in pre-edit Elantris that made you decide, yes I want to acquire it for publication?
LOL, I may be completely imagining this, but I can practically almost see/hear/feel your mind thinking as you typed and sent me that one word: "Yes?", would be something likely along the lines of: "Oh dear Lord, what does this Sharon gal wants to ask me/of me now?"
I am just really curious about it, that’s all. I have always been a remarkably curious creature, perhaps too curious for my own good. I fear I may very well die like the proverbial curious cat one day, but that is a completely different topic, to be talked about another day, if ever (never =P). You might even be thinking; this crazy gal, asking about something that happened 15 years ago and expecting/wanting me to be able to recall it as though it happened yesterday, and to try to recall it to someone you didn’t even know existed a week ago.
It's alright if you don't feel/want to share, but if you could, or would be willing to, I think it would be beyond amazing really to find out and learn, really really learn and know exactly what it was about Elantris that made you want to sit up and go, I want to acquire this, and I will invest the necessary time and effort necessary to track down this unknown, unpublished author and make him an offer he can’t refuse (=P)?
MF: Brandon has always said it was 18 months and maybe his records support that (SH's note: Yes, it does!*). Looking back after all this time, I remember it as being more like 8 or 10 months (SH's note: Not true!*), under a year, anyway, but I’d need to dig up my old records to support that. So I could be wrong. But the essence of it Is that I started reading it immediately when he sent it and I didn't like the opening. It reminded me of a couple of other recent weak submissions that also began with the protagonist waking up. So I was put off and laid it aside.
*SH's note: Sanderson and co. Petered Feder on October 2001, and Sanderson received the voice mail and subsequent phone call from Feder on March 2003, showing a time span of 18 months in between Feder receiving Sanderon's manuscript and him contacting Sanderson to offer to acquire Elantris.
SH: Ah.
MF: After some time went by — 8 months or 18 — I felt guilty about it, remembering what a nice young man he was, and decided to try again so I could at least offer him some helpful suggestions if I were going to reject it.
SH: Wow, OK.
MF: So then I just stuck with it and got further in, quickly noticing how it got better as it went, and being struck by its originality. By the ⅓ point or so, it was obvious what a natural storyteller he was and I began to get excited.
From that point on, I read nonstop until I finished it. There were rough spots and infelicities, but all fixable. More importantly, I had obviously stumbled upon a real talent. I knew well before the end that I wanted to buy it.
SH: That was really decent of you, to give Elantris another chance, even though you really didn't like the introduction, and didn't plan to acquire it. Wow you are really very nice too, just like he is!
MF: You can usually spot crap early, but it’s always a good idea to at least spot check further so you don't cheat yourself out of a find. In this case, my desire to simply help him, as I want I’ve always tried to help aspirants back to my days at AMAZING, was rewarded.
SH: AMAZING? Haven't heard of this publishing house before.
MF: Founded in 1926? The very first SF magazine?
SH: I am just someone who LOVES to read fantasy. I don't know the ins and outs of fantasy publishing, at least not yet. So you basically being a decent guy and just wanting to do the right thing led you to acquire Elantris?
MF: I was assistant editor there while in college. We also published the fantasy mag FANTASTIC.
Gosh, you kids nowadays! No foundation.
SH: Hey! I am trying to learn right now, aren't I?
MF: You could put it that way. Or you could say he won me over.
I don't know why everyone before me didn’t see it.
SH: Man, the mountain of rejection letters he said he has received before you acquired Elantris.
MF: To that extent, I'm willing to claim some skill. Having read SF&F for almost 50 years at that point probably helped. Experience does matter.
SH: So yes, sage advice to aspiring authors: if you don’t want your manuscripts to sit untouched on an editor’s desk for 8 (or 18 months, depending on who is telling the story =P), don't start your manuscript with the so-well-worn it's-rubbing-my-entire-skin-off "tropish" introduction of having your protagonist just waking up from something. Got it!
MF: That's why you see me making unapologetic judgments as in my current Hugo threads. At this late date, I have full confidence in my taste.
SH: Even though they almost always come in last?
Do you unintentionally curse the people you vote for? With your vote?
MF: Yup. Because I'm right and they're wrong. Also because I know the difference between pure literary quality and what's popular and can recognize both.
SH: If you say so LOL. But yes I jest. Do go on.
MF: When I read for Jim Baen at Ace, I got him to buy both a literary fantasy by Aldiss and a lightweight, pulpy romp by Laumer. Both were good in their own way, and both judgments were valid.
SH: Wow. You were a reader before all this? Like a professional reader for Ace? That's where Sharon Shinn is/was, in fact. See, I do know SOME stuff at least when it pertains to my favorite authors. So there!
MF: An editor has to know the difference between his personal preferences and what will sell. I happen to enjoy both. That's why I'm good at this.
Yes, I read submissions for a number of major houses as a freelance. Good training for a future editor.
SH: Good to know, good to know. Thanks!
But I have to ask. An editor’s time is very limited. His time can even be said to equal money. Time he spent trying to pick up something he previously dismissed, could have been better used to read another manuscript to find another undiscovered talent. Was it the fact that he was such a nice young affable man then, when he Petered you at the 2001 Montreal con that made you want to give him another go/chance 8 or 18 months later?
MF: Baen's relationship with Laumer began with that book — THE GREAT TIME MACHINE HOAX, a personal favorite of mine on the light side — and grew from there. At Baen Books he acquired the whole Laumer backlist.
SH: Otherwise it may have well still be sitting on your desk right now, still gathering dust or long since pulped and returned to the earth. Maybe something even in that very bad tropish introduction he had in the manuscript?
MF: Hard to say now how much was his niceness and how much my sense of duty to any new writer desperate for feedback. There's a story about that.
SH: Or how nice he and Dan Wells and Peter were collectively as a group. Did you know that Dan Wells actually stalked you for like three days to find out who/what you look like/were going to be and only succeeded just barely on the last day of the Montreal con?
SH: Yes and I do absolutely LOVE to hear it, if you would be willing to share of course!
MF: When I read for AMAZING and FANTASTIC in the 70s, I tried to say something personal with every manuscript I sent back, not just a mere rejection slip. Sometimes I offered detailed comments and encouragement. So...
SH: Wow! I don't think many other people in your position would have taken the time or effort to do that.
MF: Years later, in 1980, I get a Ballantine paperback in the mail by a writer named Lawrence Watt Evans.
SH: I must look into how to become a professional reader now, seems like a great way to start! Or get your foot in, into the publishing industry.
MF: The book, his first publication, was dedicated to me.
SH: Okay, I have to tell you I don't know who Lawrence Watt Evans is and had to Google him but now I know.
MF: Because I had been the first editor to take him seriously and tell him to persist, because he would eventually succeed.
SH: So please don't say "you young unlearned people these days again!" because I am trying! And Googling!
MF: Well, he thought so, anyway.
I was flabbergasted.
You should try his stuff. Very entertaining fantasies. OK, gotta read now.
SH: OK. You have a dedicated reading time each day? Did you manage to get Naomi's short story yet, or do u still need to wait to go pick it up?
MF: I reserved it.
Reading occurs randomly and constantly.
SH: I saw the status change on the link I gave you so I know you did. I wasn't a nosy journalism major for nothing you know. If I want to dig into someone's life, you may be astounded to know what I can unearth. I surprised my editor-in-chief when I told her her middle name and she in her life never told anyone about it, at least not in the newsroom.
MF: Kind of stalker-ish, perhaps?
SH: It is a useful skill which I am careful not to abuse. With great powers (or great nosiness anyways) comes great responsibility and all that jazz.
Hey I prefer to say I keep myself well-informed okay!
I'm not stalkerish! Actually yeah I am, but that sounds bad when you say it like that. =p
Continued in Scroll 5
Sunday, September 2, 2018
Moshe: The Man in the Coppermind. Scroll 3: So You Think You Can Moshe? Quiz
By Sharon Hooper
Moshe Feder (Age 63). Photo taken during his first visit to BrisketTown in Brooklyn Photo credit: Peter de Jong
1. Where was Moshe born?
2. Where does Moshe live now?
3. How to you pronounce Moshe’s name phonetically?
4. How old is Moshe?
5. When is his chocolate cakeday anniversary?
6. What SAT test did Moshe get a perfect score in?
7. When was last year the SAT test that Moshe got a perfect score on was used? (+5 bonus points if correct)
8. What university did Moshe attend?
9. What did Moshe major in at university?
10. What year did Moshe graduate from university?
11. What is Moshe’s political affiliation
12. What is Moshe’s religious beliefs?
13a. How many cat(s) does Moshe have?
13b. What are the names of Moshe’s cat(s)?
14. What is Moshe’s favorite chocolate brand?
15. Which country is Moshe’s favorite chocolate brand from? (+5 bonus points if correct)
16. What is Moshe’s favorite chocolate?
17. What is Moshe’s favorite budget chocolate?
18. What is Moshe’s favorite flavored Ghirardelli chocolate?
19. How does Moshe like his eggs in Shakshouka?
20. Does Moshe put onions in his Shakshouka?
21. Does Moshe use parsley in his Shakshouka?
22. How would Moshe choose between cold pizza or cold Shakshouka?
23. Where does Moshe fall on the gefilte fish line?
24. Name a favorite regional cuisine of Moshe (+bonus 5 points if both correct answers are given)
25. Favorite savory dim sum item:
26. Favorite sweet dim sum item:
27. What kind of food does he like best: savory, sweet, salty, sour, spicy, bitter?
28. What will Moshe not eat?
29. What is the name of the food-based club he founded in the 1970s?
30. When did Moshe first started drinking coffee?
31. What is Moshe’s favorite tea?
32. What is Moshe’s poison of choice?
33. What is Moshe’s favorite beer? (+bonus 5 points for answering this question right)
34. For how many years has Moshe (not continuously) been drinking Guinness?
35. What genres does Moshe reads?
36. What does Moshe talks to?
37. What does Moshe collects?
38. Which sports teams does Moshe support? (+bonus 5 points for providing a complete set of answers)
39. Which team does Moshe barrack for?
40. Where does Moshe work at?
41. What is Moshe’s current profession?
42: Name an author in Moshe’s current stable: (+bonus 1 point for each additional correct author answer)
43. Name an author that Moshe has worked with in the past: (+bonus 1 point for each additional correct author answer)
44. What Hugo category has Moshe been nominated for?
45. What year was Moshe nominated for this Hugo category?
45. What is the title of Moshe’s short published story?
49. Where is this short story published in?
46. What award has Moshe won?
47. What year did Moshe win this award?
48. This award is also known as “The (name of bird)." What bird is that?
What are you based on how well you scored? (1 point per correct question answered, unless stated otherwise)
0 points: Chasmfiend
1 to 5 points: Lamespren
6 to 10 points: Skaa
11 to 15: Bridgemen
16 to 20: Darkeyes
21 to 25: Lighteyes
26 to 30: Misting
31 to 35: Soulcaster
36 to 40: Shardbearer
41 to 45: Full Shardbearer
46 to 50: Feruchemist
51 to 55: Mistborn
56 to 60: Lord Ruler
61 to 65: Hero of Ages
66 to 70: Harmony
71 and above: Adonalsium

Moshe Feder (Age 63). Photo taken during his first visit to BrisketTown in Brooklyn Photo credit: Peter de Jong
1. Where was Moshe born?
2. Where does Moshe live now?
3. How to you pronounce Moshe’s name phonetically?
4. How old is Moshe?
5. When is his chocolate cakeday anniversary?
6. What SAT test did Moshe get a perfect score in?
7. When was last year the SAT test that Moshe got a perfect score on was used? (+5 bonus points if correct)
8. What university did Moshe attend?
9. What did Moshe major in at university?
10. What year did Moshe graduate from university?
11. What is Moshe’s political affiliation
12. What is Moshe’s religious beliefs?
13a. How many cat(s) does Moshe have?
13b. What are the names of Moshe’s cat(s)?
14. What is Moshe’s favorite chocolate brand?
15. Which country is Moshe’s favorite chocolate brand from? (+5 bonus points if correct)
16. What is Moshe’s favorite chocolate?
17. What is Moshe’s favorite budget chocolate?
18. What is Moshe’s favorite flavored Ghirardelli chocolate?
19. How does Moshe like his eggs in Shakshouka?
20. Does Moshe put onions in his Shakshouka?
21. Does Moshe use parsley in his Shakshouka?
22. How would Moshe choose between cold pizza or cold Shakshouka?
23. Where does Moshe fall on the gefilte fish line?
24. Name a favorite regional cuisine of Moshe (+bonus 5 points if both correct answers are given)
25. Favorite savory dim sum item:
26. Favorite sweet dim sum item:
27. What kind of food does he like best: savory, sweet, salty, sour, spicy, bitter?
28. What will Moshe not eat?
29. What is the name of the food-based club he founded in the 1970s?
30. When did Moshe first started drinking coffee?
31. What is Moshe’s favorite tea?
32. What is Moshe’s poison of choice?
33. What is Moshe’s favorite beer? (+bonus 5 points for answering this question right)
34. For how many years has Moshe (not continuously) been drinking Guinness?
35. What genres does Moshe reads?
36. What does Moshe talks to?
37. What does Moshe collects?
38. Which sports teams does Moshe support? (+bonus 5 points for providing a complete set of answers)
39. Which team does Moshe barrack for?
40. Where does Moshe work at?
41. What is Moshe’s current profession?
42: Name an author in Moshe’s current stable: (+bonus 1 point for each additional correct author answer)
43. Name an author that Moshe has worked with in the past: (+bonus 1 point for each additional correct author answer)
44. What Hugo category has Moshe been nominated for?
45. What year was Moshe nominated for this Hugo category?
45. What is the title of Moshe’s short published story?
49. Where is this short story published in?
46. What award has Moshe won?
47. What year did Moshe win this award?
48. This award is also known as “The (name of bird)." What bird is that?
What are you based on how well you scored? (1 point per correct question answered, unless stated otherwise)
0 points: Chasmfiend
1 to 5 points: Lamespren
6 to 10 points: Skaa
11 to 15: Bridgemen
16 to 20: Darkeyes
21 to 25: Lighteyes
26 to 30: Misting
31 to 35: Soulcaster
36 to 40: Shardbearer
41 to 45: Full Shardbearer
46 to 50: Feruchemist
51 to 55: Mistborn
56 to 60: Lord Ruler
61 to 65: Hero of Ages
66 to 70: Harmony
71 and above: Adonalsium
Saturday, September 1, 2018
Moshe: The Man In The Coppermind. Scroll 2: Through A Mind, Darkly
By Sharon Hooper
Recommended readings before reading Scroll 2: Scroll 1 and Scroll 4
Caption: Shallan on the bookends of Words of Radiance. Credit: Michael Whelan
A Mindful Inspiration
Authors derive inspiration from a myriad of sources. For New York Times-bestselling author Brandon Sanderson’s magnum opus The Stormlight Archive, a planned 10-installment epic fantasy series, part of the inspiration came from Moshe Feder, his long-time editor. All three published books in the series: The Way of Kings, Words of Radiance and Oathbringer, each feature a main POV character who must grapple with their own inner demons as much, if not more so, than against their external foes.
“Brandon was inspired first by a relative and then by me to build that in,” said Feder, who suffers from bipolar disorder, as did his mother Anne Rubin Feder.
Caption: Anne Rubin Feder with her son Moshe Feder. Photo credit: Moshe Feder.
“My mom was a high-functioning bipolar with more mild mania and rare but severe depressions. We accepted that as ‘just the way she is,’ and didn't understand it in terms of disease. Then, in late middle age, it got worse and finally she got diagnosed and medicated.”
“Bipolar disorder typically shows up in one's 20s. However it was only then, in my late 30s that a lightbulb went on and I realized that obviously, I had it too. Previously I’d just been BLAMING MYSELF* for shameful weakness. It had been holding me back in my life and career and I hadn’t even realized it.” (Interviewer’s note: Bipolar disorder can be caused by genetic factors)
Mental health awareness not being what they are today, Feder had perceived his erratic mood swings as something to be ashamed of. “Of course I know better now, but how could I have known then? It was liberating to realize it was a disease and not a character flaw. I probably first had symptoms toward the end of college but didn’t understand what it was.”
Feder paused to consider: “Looking back, it might even have begun in high school. I already had a pattern of inaction followed by bursts of energy to solve the problem I’d made for myself. But I thought it was just typical teenage procrastination followed by panic. But later it got worse, with the down times meaning not wanting to get out of bed at all and sleeping 12 hours a day and the up periods being dangerously impulsive, shopping and spending irresponsibly, being irritable and getting into arguments or even fights, and so on.”
Feder then ruefully recounted a shopping experience from over 20 years ago: “I’ve also trained myself to notice when I'm shopping impulsively and direct it to actually useful stuff. It’s really stupidly annoying when you come down a bit and realize you bought something useless. Like the time I bought Windows software even though I owned a Mac. How did I rationalize that? Mania doesn't care.”
Feder chose not to return the software for a refund despite having paid around $100 for it. “I still have it. It’s now a valuable reminder to stay in control. Still shrink wrapped. I was CRAZY*. Yes, it was painful when I realized it had made no sense.”
Feder knew it could have been a lot worse. "Fortunately for me, as someone with Bipolar II, I never experienced full blown mania, which is just as scary and dangerous as extreme psychosis, which causes delusions and hallucinations."
"Rather, the 'up' part of my cycles was characterized by hypomania which, if you're careful and sufficiently self-conscious, can be productively harnessed. Unfortunately, 'up' periods are becoming less frequent as I age."
"When I'm hypomanic, I just generally feel more positive and energetic, not at all euphoric, which for me would be a danger sign, but just pain free and content, the way I imagine 'normal' people feel most of the time. But in addition, one of the delights is the sudden realization that the oppressive sense of impossibility is gone. What prodigies I might accomplish if that were always true! I'm grateful to have mostly had hypomania, which can be fun. Well, fun while it lasts, until it’s over and you crash.”
“And now you know why it’s taken me so long to get my roof fixed, and also why I'm not too hard on myself about it, much though I regret the attendant damage,” said Feder, referring to his still-leaking roof. Plans have been made to have it fully fixed by the end of September.
“It’s like having cats; you just accept that sometimes stuff is going to get knocked over.” Feder currently lives with Flushing, New York with his two cats, Destry and Nemo.
When asked, Feder asserted that these memories were not painful for him to recall. As for his reasons for sharing, he had this to say: “It’s a duty to help fellow sufferers and to work on reducing stigma. When I was guest of honor at Corflu 19, it was a major part of my speech.”
Caption: Feder wearing a guest of honor hat that was a visor in the shape of a red foam crab with dangling legs and claws at Corflu 19 on February 17, 2002, at the Radisson Hotel in Annapolis, Maryland. Photo credit: Moshe Feder.
(Interviewer’s note: Corflu is fanzine fan convention and the word Corflu is short for “mimeograph stencil correction fluid”, which is used in a mimeograph to produce fanzines back before they could be produced digitally. The Guest of Honors at Corflu conventions are chosen randomly.)
Words of Reassurance
In The Stormlight Archive, Kaladin, the main POV character in The Way of Kings, suffers from seasonal affective disorder; Shallan, the main POV character in Words of Radiance suffers from both PTSD and a split personality disorder; Dalinar, the main POV character in Oathbringer is an alcoholic, while Teft, a secondary character, is a drug addict who is often filled with self-loathing for himself.
Caption: Kaladin featured on the cover of Words of Radiance. Credit: Michael Whelan
Being able to read about such characters proved to be quite the cathartic experience for a Sanderfan who suffers from depression.
“I struggle with depression, and reading the characters in Stormlight Archive just makes me believe again,” said Hannah, a 29-year-old Santa Clara resident who went to Worldcon 76 just to see Sanderson.
While she identified with all three major POV characters, Kaladin was who she identified with the most. “Kaladin’s chapters are the ones I identify with the most when it comes to descriptions and the way he constantly berates and second guesses himself. At the end of Oathbringer when Syl says the bit about it being time for someone to save HIM*, I cried for like an hour the first time I read that.”
“It's hard to explain, but I have always been the person that is there to save all of my friends and those around me. I am terrible at asking for help when it is needed, just like Kaladin, and when I am feeling lost I am lucky to have people around me that will notice and come to my rescue."
In particular, Hannah deeply appreciated just how nuanced Sanderson's depiction of mental illness was: “I love the fact that Brandon changes the way he writes his characters' perceptions and thoughts and motivations based on their current feelings or mental state. When Kaladin is feeling okay for once, he makes this observation:
At the signing, Hannah asked Sanderson to personalize her copy of Oathbringer with the second Ideal Teft spoke: “I will protect those I hate...even if the one I hate most is myself.”
Caption: Brandon Sanderson’s personalization of Hannah’s copy of Oathbringer. Photo credit: Hannah.
After asking Sanderson a few questions, a grateful Hannah capped her brief interaction with her favorite author by thanking him “for writing the characters that you write.”
“Pleasure,” replied a smiling Sanderson.
Caption: Jasnah on the front cover of Oathbringer. Credit: Michael Whelan
Heeding the Warning Signs
Feder warns that, especially for people in their 20s, sudden unexpected changes in one’s energy level, enthusiasm and sleep should be taken seriously, as they may be symptomatic of mental health issues.
“Just see a doctor and if he or she suggests it, a shrink. People can be depressed without being manic, but they rarely are manic without eventually being depressed. If you haven’t experienced that yet, that's no guarantee you eventually won't. Try to imagine being as low as you currently are high. ‘Miserable’ just doesn’t begin to convey it. If it is bipolar disorder, lithium would immediately correct the problem. It requires a prescription and regular blood tests. It’s cheap, because it’s a natural mineral salt, lithium carbonate, but too much is toxic. So you have to be monitored regularly. But it SAVES LIVES* when used properly."
Feder emphatically warned people against self-medicating.
“Again, I'm an amateur, but the two likeliest explanations of such symptoms are mania or an endocrine problem like hyperthyroidism. Anyway, it’s IMPORTANT* to find out now. The sooner the better, whenever it is. If you are still at school, your school probably has a student health office. They could refer you to someone. But if it IS* bipolar, the lithium would fix that in days or a couple of weeks. But if you get that, the there's no question you MUST* seek help before it gets dangerously worse. Please don't put if off.”
For California residents, Feder offered this resource as an alternate option. “I don't know the regulations, but chances are you should qualify for help. Improving your mental state is a key step toward solving other problems. You are smart and will find a way.” (Interviewer's note: For residents living in the other 49 states, you can look up the link to the Health Department websites of your respective states here. For residents outside of the U.S.A., you can use this Google search query to find the department of public health services closest to you.)
Such is the way of such kings of fantasy fiction, to pave the way for greater awareness, understanding and acceptance of mental illness.
For readers' comments to the article, please check out Scroll 7.
*Interviewer’s note: All capitalizations are an emphasis used by the interviewees themselves and not an emphasis made by the interviewer.
Feder's recommended further reading: This Woman’s Viral Thread Notes A Never-Discussed Symptom Of Depression And Absolutely Everyone Needs To Read This
Interviewer's recommended further reading: Ideal Heroes: Mental Illness in Brandon Sanderson’s Stormlight Archive
The interviewer would like to express her special thanks to Valerie Estelle Frankel, the author of many books on pop culture, who kindly agreed to give this article a last-minute proofread before it was posted here. All the English/structural/formatting mistakes still present in the article belong solely to the interviewer and the interviewer alone.
Sharon Hooper has been reading fairy tales and fantasy since the age of 4 and has written two short fairytale retellings: The Real Sleeping Beauty and The Real Princess and the Pea: A Tale of Sense and Sensitivity.
If you have any questions or comments regarding the contents of this scroll, please feel free to send a message to her at
Recommended readings before reading Scroll 2: Scroll 1 and Scroll 4

Caption: Shallan on the bookends of Words of Radiance. Credit: Michael Whelan
A Mindful Inspiration
Authors derive inspiration from a myriad of sources. For New York Times-bestselling author Brandon Sanderson’s magnum opus The Stormlight Archive, a planned 10-installment epic fantasy series, part of the inspiration came from Moshe Feder, his long-time editor. All three published books in the series: The Way of Kings, Words of Radiance and Oathbringer, each feature a main POV character who must grapple with their own inner demons as much, if not more so, than against their external foes.
“Brandon was inspired first by a relative and then by me to build that in,” said Feder, who suffers from bipolar disorder, as did his mother Anne Rubin Feder.

Caption: Anne Rubin Feder with her son Moshe Feder. Photo credit: Moshe Feder.
“My mom was a high-functioning bipolar with more mild mania and rare but severe depressions. We accepted that as ‘just the way she is,’ and didn't understand it in terms of disease. Then, in late middle age, it got worse and finally she got diagnosed and medicated.”
“Bipolar disorder typically shows up in one's 20s. However it was only then, in my late 30s that a lightbulb went on and I realized that obviously, I had it too. Previously I’d just been BLAMING MYSELF* for shameful weakness. It had been holding me back in my life and career and I hadn’t even realized it.” (Interviewer’s note: Bipolar disorder can be caused by genetic factors)
Mental health awareness not being what they are today, Feder had perceived his erratic mood swings as something to be ashamed of. “Of course I know better now, but how could I have known then? It was liberating to realize it was a disease and not a character flaw. I probably first had symptoms toward the end of college but didn’t understand what it was.”
Feder paused to consider: “Looking back, it might even have begun in high school. I already had a pattern of inaction followed by bursts of energy to solve the problem I’d made for myself. But I thought it was just typical teenage procrastination followed by panic. But later it got worse, with the down times meaning not wanting to get out of bed at all and sleeping 12 hours a day and the up periods being dangerously impulsive, shopping and spending irresponsibly, being irritable and getting into arguments or even fights, and so on.”
Feder then ruefully recounted a shopping experience from over 20 years ago: “I’ve also trained myself to notice when I'm shopping impulsively and direct it to actually useful stuff. It’s really stupidly annoying when you come down a bit and realize you bought something useless. Like the time I bought Windows software even though I owned a Mac. How did I rationalize that? Mania doesn't care.”
Feder chose not to return the software for a refund despite having paid around $100 for it. “I still have it. It’s now a valuable reminder to stay in control. Still shrink wrapped. I was CRAZY*. Yes, it was painful when I realized it had made no sense.”
Feder knew it could have been a lot worse. "Fortunately for me, as someone with Bipolar II, I never experienced full blown mania, which is just as scary and dangerous as extreme psychosis, which causes delusions and hallucinations."
"Rather, the 'up' part of my cycles was characterized by hypomania which, if you're careful and sufficiently self-conscious, can be productively harnessed. Unfortunately, 'up' periods are becoming less frequent as I age."
"When I'm hypomanic, I just generally feel more positive and energetic, not at all euphoric, which for me would be a danger sign, but just pain free and content, the way I imagine 'normal' people feel most of the time. But in addition, one of the delights is the sudden realization that the oppressive sense of impossibility is gone. What prodigies I might accomplish if that were always true! I'm grateful to have mostly had hypomania, which can be fun. Well, fun while it lasts, until it’s over and you crash.”
“And now you know why it’s taken me so long to get my roof fixed, and also why I'm not too hard on myself about it, much though I regret the attendant damage,” said Feder, referring to his still-leaking roof. Plans have been made to have it fully fixed by the end of September.
“It’s like having cats; you just accept that sometimes stuff is going to get knocked over.” Feder currently lives with Flushing, New York with his two cats, Destry and Nemo.
When asked, Feder asserted that these memories were not painful for him to recall. As for his reasons for sharing, he had this to say: “It’s a duty to help fellow sufferers and to work on reducing stigma. When I was guest of honor at Corflu 19, it was a major part of my speech.”
Caption: Feder wearing a guest of honor hat that was a visor in the shape of a red foam crab with dangling legs and claws at Corflu 19 on February 17, 2002, at the Radisson Hotel in Annapolis, Maryland. Photo credit: Moshe Feder.
(Interviewer’s note: Corflu is fanzine fan convention and the word Corflu is short for “mimeograph stencil correction fluid”, which is used in a mimeograph to produce fanzines back before they could be produced digitally. The Guest of Honors at Corflu conventions are chosen randomly.)
Words of Reassurance
In The Stormlight Archive, Kaladin, the main POV character in The Way of Kings, suffers from seasonal affective disorder; Shallan, the main POV character in Words of Radiance suffers from both PTSD and a split personality disorder; Dalinar, the main POV character in Oathbringer is an alcoholic, while Teft, a secondary character, is a drug addict who is often filled with self-loathing for himself.

Caption: Kaladin featured on the cover of Words of Radiance. Credit: Michael Whelan
Being able to read about such characters proved to be quite the cathartic experience for a Sanderfan who suffers from depression.
“I struggle with depression, and reading the characters in Stormlight Archive just makes me believe again,” said Hannah, a 29-year-old Santa Clara resident who went to Worldcon 76 just to see Sanderson.
While she identified with all three major POV characters, Kaladin was who she identified with the most. “Kaladin’s chapters are the ones I identify with the most when it comes to descriptions and the way he constantly berates and second guesses himself. At the end of Oathbringer when Syl says the bit about it being time for someone to save HIM*, I cried for like an hour the first time I read that.”
“It's hard to explain, but I have always been the person that is there to save all of my friends and those around me. I am terrible at asking for help when it is needed, just like Kaladin, and when I am feeling lost I am lucky to have people around me that will notice and come to my rescue."
In particular, Hannah deeply appreciated just how nuanced Sanderson's depiction of mental illness was: “I love the fact that Brandon changes the way he writes his characters' perceptions and thoughts and motivations based on their current feelings or mental state. When Kaladin is feeling okay for once, he makes this observation:
‘The truth was he was feeling pretty good these days. yes there was a war, and yes the city was seriously stressed but ever since he'd found his parents alive and well he'd been feeling better.
That wasn't so uncommon a feeling for him. He felt good lots of days. Trouble was, on the bad days, that was hard to remember. At those times, for some reason, he felt like he had always been in darkness and always would be.
Why was it so hard to remember? Did he have to keep slipping back down? Why couldn't he stay up here in the sunlight where everyone else lived?’" (Oathbringer, page 690)
At the signing, Hannah asked Sanderson to personalize her copy of Oathbringer with the second Ideal Teft spoke: “I will protect those I hate...even if the one I hate most is myself.”

Caption: Brandon Sanderson’s personalization of Hannah’s copy of Oathbringer. Photo credit: Hannah.
After asking Sanderson a few questions, a grateful Hannah capped her brief interaction with her favorite author by thanking him “for writing the characters that you write.”
“Pleasure,” replied a smiling Sanderson.

Caption: Jasnah on the front cover of Oathbringer. Credit: Michael Whelan
Heeding the Warning Signs
Feder warns that, especially for people in their 20s, sudden unexpected changes in one’s energy level, enthusiasm and sleep should be taken seriously, as they may be symptomatic of mental health issues.
“Just see a doctor and if he or she suggests it, a shrink. People can be depressed without being manic, but they rarely are manic without eventually being depressed. If you haven’t experienced that yet, that's no guarantee you eventually won't. Try to imagine being as low as you currently are high. ‘Miserable’ just doesn’t begin to convey it. If it is bipolar disorder, lithium would immediately correct the problem. It requires a prescription and regular blood tests. It’s cheap, because it’s a natural mineral salt, lithium carbonate, but too much is toxic. So you have to be monitored regularly. But it SAVES LIVES* when used properly."
Feder emphatically warned people against self-medicating.
“Again, I'm an amateur, but the two likeliest explanations of such symptoms are mania or an endocrine problem like hyperthyroidism. Anyway, it’s IMPORTANT* to find out now. The sooner the better, whenever it is. If you are still at school, your school probably has a student health office. They could refer you to someone. But if it IS* bipolar, the lithium would fix that in days or a couple of weeks. But if you get that, the there's no question you MUST* seek help before it gets dangerously worse. Please don't put if off.”
For California residents, Feder offered this resource as an alternate option. “I don't know the regulations, but chances are you should qualify for help. Improving your mental state is a key step toward solving other problems. You are smart and will find a way.” (Interviewer's note: For residents living in the other 49 states, you can look up the link to the Health Department websites of your respective states here. For residents outside of the U.S.A., you can use this Google search query to find the department of public health services closest to you.)
Such is the way of such kings of fantasy fiction, to pave the way for greater awareness, understanding and acceptance of mental illness.
For readers' comments to the article, please check out Scroll 7.
*Interviewer’s note: All capitalizations are an emphasis used by the interviewees themselves and not an emphasis made by the interviewer.
Feder's recommended further reading: This Woman’s Viral Thread Notes A Never-Discussed Symptom Of Depression And Absolutely Everyone Needs To Read This
Interviewer's recommended further reading: Ideal Heroes: Mental Illness in Brandon Sanderson’s Stormlight Archive
The interviewer would like to express her special thanks to Valerie Estelle Frankel, the author of many books on pop culture, who kindly agreed to give this article a last-minute proofread before it was posted here. All the English/structural/formatting mistakes still present in the article belong solely to the interviewer and the interviewer alone.
Sharon Hooper has been reading fairy tales and fantasy since the age of 4 and has written two short fairytale retellings: The Real Sleeping Beauty and The Real Princess and the Pea: A Tale of Sense and Sensitivity.
If you have any questions or comments regarding the contents of this scroll, please feel free to send a message to her at
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