Thursday, August 30, 2018

Moshe: The Man In The Coppermind. Scroll 1: Fun Facts

By Sharon Hooper

This is the first scroll in what is expected to be a multi-short scroll series on Moshe Feder, Tor editor to New York Times-bestselling author Brandon Sanderson.

Moshe Feder posing with a Dalinar Kholin Cosplayer at Worldcon 76 (complete with Shardplate and Shardblade Oathbringer), on August 18, 2018 at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center located in San Jose, California. Dalinar Kholin is the main POV character in Oathbringer, the third book in Sanderson's Stormlight Archive series, which Feder edited. Feder also edited The Way of Kings and Words of Radiance, the first two books in the aforementioned series. Feder will be editing future installments in the series until he retires.

Photo credit: Moshe Feder


Name: Moshe Feder

Pronounced: MOH-she FED-er

Personal homepage:

Born in: Brooklyn, NY

Lives in: Flushing, NY

Age: 66

Chocolate cakeday: November 14, 1951

SAT: Perfect Verbal score

Education: English/Creative Writing, Queens College, City University of New York, Class of 1973

Political Affiliation: Registered Democrat (liberal/progressive)

Religious views: Agnostic but sentimental, non-observant-orthodox Jewish, open-minded scientific humanist

Owned by: Cats Destry and Nemo


Photo credit: Moshe Feder


Photo credit: Moshe Feder

Favorite color: Orange

Favorite metal: Copper

Requires: Chocolate

Favorite chocolate brand: Valrhona

Favorite chocolate: Valrhona Guanaja 70% Cacao

Favorite budget chocolate: Trader Joe’s 73% Cocoa Super Dark

Preferred cocoa solids range: 70-75%

Favorite flavored Ghirardelli chocolate: Mint

How he likes his eggs in Shakshouka: scrambled, not poached

Onions in Shakshouka: Sometimes

Parsley in Shakshouka: Always

Cold pizza or cold Shakshouka: Shakshouka

Where he falls on the Gefilte Fish Line: Salty

Favorite Regional Chinese Cuisine: Szechuan and Hunan

Favorite savory dim sum item: Shu Mai

Favorite sweet dim sum item: Sesame balls

Loves: Spicy food

Will not try: Bugs

Foodie cred: Founder of Omnivore Dining Club in the 1970s

Coffee: started drinking only in his 50s

Favorite Tea: English Breakfast

Poison of choice: Beer

Favorite beer: Too many to pick one

Number of years drinking Guinness: 45

Reads: Science Fiction and Fantasy

Talks to: Cats

Collects: Coca-Cola memorabilia

Sports teams: New York Mets and New York Yankees

Barracks for: Collingwood Magpies (Australian Rules Football League team)

Profession: Consulting Senior Editor at Tor

First editor job at: Age 18

Fan of: Oxford comma

Current stable of authors: David Gerrold, Michael Haspil, Phillip Jennings, David Levine, Michael Moorcock, Brandon Sanderson, Robert Silverberg, Dan Wells and Gary K. Wolf

Has worked with: Isaac Asimov, Hal Clement, Harlan Ellison, Eric Van Lustbader, L.E. Modesitt, Jr., Paul Park, Robert J. Sawyer, Scott Westerfeld, Charles Stross, F. Paul Wilson and Gene Wolfe

Award: 2015 E.E. Smith Memorial Award, "the Skylark", which is the New England Science Fiction Association's lifetime achievement award for fan and pro contributions to Science Fiction & Fantasy

Nomination: 2011 Hugo Long-Form Edit Award Nominee

Published work: Sandial, short story in Damon Knight’s Orbit 16 (1975)

You can check out the 2nd scroll here

If you have any questions or comments regarding the contents of this scroll, please feel free to send a message to Sharon Hooper at

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Judaism Through the Lens of Popular Culture


Sharon Shinn's Samaria Series

Jehovah/Jovah: When faith and science collide

The Ways of the Edori: a look at the Jewish diaspora and the nomadic lifestyles of the Jewish people

Naomi Novik's Spinning Silver

Rumpelstiltskin has always been a problematic and fairy tale absolutely rift with Antisemitism...child stealing/eating stolen babies...In Naomi Novik's retelling of Rumplestiltskin, she turns the entire fairy tale on its head...instead of antagonist Rumpelstiltskin being Jewish...protagonist is a the daughter of a Jewish moneylender.

History of the Jews in Lithuania

Jewish moneylenders in medieval Europe:

Usury banned by Christian tenet...and therefore was one of the few occupations opened to the Jewish people

When it can be Kosher to break the Sabbath: Pikuach nefesh

Patricia Briggs' The Price

Brandon Sanderson's Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell

Consequences of Sabbath Desecration in The Forests of Hell:

Cassandra Clare's Immortal Instruments series

Simon Lewis: Can you turn into an undead vampire and still remain Jewish?

Lilith: Mother of Demons or Humankind's First Feminist? Lilith came before Eve, refused to be subordinate to Adam...

Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel series


Elua and his angel companions: Love As Thou Wilt

Patricia Brigg's Mercedes Thompson series

The classic narrative of The Golem of Prague in Silence Fallen:

Square's Final Fantasy VII



The Promised Land:




Recommendations for further suggested reading:

Helene Wecker's The Golem and the Jinni

Guy Gavriel Kay's Tigana