Best Tales of protagonist in Yuri Lowell. Wonderful storyline. Awesome characters that share great chemistry together. Hilarious skits. What's not to like?
2. Tales of Eternia

First Tales game played. I have such fond memories of this game. Also only Tales game I have replayed. Twice. For a total of three complete playthroughs.
3. Tales of Xillia

Less stellar than Tales of Vesperia, but nevertheless pretty good all the same. Decent characters, story and skits.
4: Tales of The Abyss

Was not enamored of the whiny protagonist, but otherwise the story and characters were alright.
5. Tales of Legendia

The black sheep of the Tales of series. Personally don't understand why myself, as I enjoyed playing it.
6. Tales of Xillia 2

A mute protagonist who plays second fiddle to the main cast of Tales of Xillia, an idiotic plot contrivance in the form of a crazy debt you are saddled with early on in the game that you have to work towards paying off at various points in the game before you can proceed with the plot, which is thin enough as it is. Nevertheless, it was fun reuniting with characters from the original game.
7. Tales of Graces F

Urgh, where do I even begin? Terrible English voice acting in Ashbel Lhant, a stupid plot, a fighting system I greatly dislike, idiotic characters who annoyingly expound the theme of "Friendship!" in every other sentence. Things improve after the main storyline ends, but by then it comes too little, too late.
8. Tales of Beseria

Prequel to Tales of Zestiria. Marginally better than Tales of Zestiria, but only just. Weak worldbuilding, bland landscapes that you have to traverse through and backtrack through several times, characters I don't care about, rubbish villains and a storyline I am not too fond of.
9. Tales of Zestiria

Surprised to find a Tales of game I dislike more than Graces, but Tales of Zestiria somehow manages to attain this dubious honor. Plays like a half-baked game, with bland characters that I cannot make myself care about, and a storyline with plot holes the size of craters.