This poem is inspired by the poem Monday's Child and the lovely bracelet pictured above, which was made for me by the amazingly talented Jenna from her Etsy store Book Geek Boutique. You can visit her store here.
Monday’s child is fair of face
With hair as black as ebony
An apple causes her agony
Tuesday’s child is full of grace
A maiden at night
At dawn she takes flight
Wednesday’s child is full of woe
For a pair of legs she gives up her voice
Alas sad sorrow is sown from her choice
Thursday’s child has far to go
Measured not in miles but in time
Slumber to a century's chime
Friday’s child is loving and giving
True beauty to love an ugly beast
A prince's true bride at a wedding feast
Saturday’s child works hard for a living
Shod with slippers made of glass
Weds out of the working class
But the child who is born on the Sabbath Day
Is bonny and blithe and good and gay
Bounding through the forest in her red hood
Speaking to wolves outside her neighborhood
(Alternate version)
Tuesday’s child is full of grace
Dancing in slippers made of glass
A shoe fit test she does pass
(Alternate version)
Tuesday’s child is full of grace
A dozen so fond of dancing
Daily their shoes do need darning
(Alternate version)
Tuesday’s child is full of grace
Gliding through the lake at dawn
Turning to a swan again come morn
(Alternate version)
Thursday's child has far to go
Climbing up a giant beanstalk
Up in the clouds where giants walk
(Alternate version)
Thursday’s child has far to go
East of the sun and west of the moon
To save her bear prince from his doom
(Alternate version)
Thursday’s child has far to go
Past spring, summer and last of all fall
To free her friend from the Snow Queen's thrall
(Alternate version)
Saturday’s child works hard for a living
To save her very own skin
Straw into gold she must spin