A Matched trilogy inspired bracelet, by the wonderfully talented Jenna from her Etsy store Book Geek Boutique.
I got the book a week before its publication date, and devoured the book in two days. Here is what happen in Reached. Needless to say, this post is chock full of spoilers.
The Rising takes place. Many in Society is affected by the Plague. The Rising overthrows Society by providing the cure to the Plague.
Unfortunately the Plague mutates, and the Pilot looks to Cassia, Ky and Xander to find the cure; Xander because he is a medic/physic who had first-hand experience with the plague and its mutation, Ky because he is infected by the mutated Plague virus and basically becomes a test subject on which to try the new cure, and Cassia, because of her sorting skills and ability to analyze.
Cassia figures out the plant that can cure the plague, Xander makes the cure and Ky, who is treated with the cure and is held up as proof of the workability of the cure.
Not surprisingly, Cassia ends up with Ky, although Xander, who I really feel sorry about throughout the book because he is really a nice guy who deserves better, finds someone else in the end. While his new love may seem like a consolation prize, I actually feel that Xander would actually be happier with his new love interest than he could ever be with Cassia. Xander new love interest is surprisingly Vick's fiancee.
The book ends on a hopeful but somewhat ambiguous note as the people finally get to vote to see who will lead them, the Pilot representing the Rising, an Official representing Society, and Anna, the leader of the Anomaly/Abberation village in Crossed, who represents everyone else.
Indie, who nurses an unrequited love for Ky, gets the mutated plague and chooses to die her own way by flying off in her plane. Cassia's father also dies of the mutated plague before the cure can be found.